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Royal, Black and Elite

A Virtual Tour of the Royal Side of Black History

Royals in Black History 

Welcome to the Royal, Black and Elite virtual exhibit.  From 700 AD until today, royals of African descent have graced the stage of power in all parts of the world.  Their presence and impact has been hidden in history books, but the truth of their existence has been long revealed by their legacy.  


Take a walk down the "royal side" of Black History with this pictorial exhibit that features royals from the Royal, Black and Elite history book.

Welcome from Lady T!

RoyalBlackandEliteArtist Name
00:00 / 01:09

Play for your Listening Enjoyment!

ChevalierArtist Name
00:00 / 04:57

Tariq bin Ziyad

Tariq bin Ziyad was a great military commander who defeated the Visigoths at a place we know as the "Rock of Gibraltar."

Continue to Elite Blacks in the Arts


Royal, Black and Elite

A Tribute to Nobility and the Pioneers

of Etiquette in Black History


In this new look at Black History, discover 26 amazing royals, black elites, and etiquette pioneers who paved the way to black wealth!  Click here to enjoy a new side of Black History, the Royal side! 



Pick up your copy of Royal,

Black History Today!

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